
ABOUT ME Education: -what are you favorite subjects? -who is your favorite teacher? -do you like your school? -Do you plan on continuing your studies? ANSWER: *My favorite subject is etic because i can see the etic of the world with a different vision. . *My favorite teacher is jonathan. *Yeah, i like my school, beacuse our school is one of the most exigent school, also the teachers are very respectful and we can learn many things of them. *Yes, im palning continue my studies, i would like study politic sciences and international relations, also i would study companies administration. Eployment: -Describe the type of job you would like ANSWER: * I would like a job where i would can the career that i studied before, a career i can use idioms that i like it to me,and obviusly get a lot of money. NAME: -What does your name mean? what is its origin? ANSWER: *My name means "the loved" or the "choosed of
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